Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Isla's on the move

Have I mentioned I really love it that Isla has been a sedentary child for so long?  It's really nice to put a baby down and know they'll be there when you come back... in the same spot... away from tiny legos and other little boy toys.  Well it was nice but no more.  Isla is officially all over the place.  I can't say crawling because she doesn't go forward, but she goes backwards, sideways and gets anywhere she wants- just not forwards.
Even the old standby of tempting with her with a cell phone has not gotten her to go forward.
One night I set Isla on the floor while I helped the boys get their pajamas on.  I got distracted momentarily by my ringing phone and kept hearing hysterical laughter while I was talking.  
And returned to find this- a popcorn bucket on Isla's head.  Poor girl wasn't even fussing at all, just pushing up on her arms and then falling back down trying to figure out how to get out.  Sadly there are years ahead of being tortured by her big brothers.
Taylor is so funny with Isla.  He loved coming home from work or school and holding the boys or playing with them, but with Isla it's something entirely different.  He just can't get enough of her.  A favorite is finding her on the floor and rolling around and tickling her.  And she's really ticklish so it's very entertaining.
Yep, I know, I'm interrupting your fun.
Here comes the tickle hand.  You don't even have to touch her, just Taylor's hand in the air coming at her is enough to make her laugh and wiggle.
Miles wants in on the fun but Isla's pretty good at scooting backwards aways from him.
Unfortunately she frequently forgets that her hands are holding her up and lets them drop and of course then faceplants into the carpet.
But she's quick to pop back up.
And even sit herself up.  This is my favorite part.  Isla is my first to be able to sit before she can actually crawl.  I was always envious of moms at church who could just sit a child on a blanket on the floor and they'd stay put.  I'm loving it!  Plus she's pretty cute sitting up.
But then she forgets she's sitting up... and falls over.
But there's plenty of toys spread all around the floor so she's pretty happy on her back too.

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