Friday, December 30, 2011

Friday in Moorea

For our last full day on the island we mostly did the same things we'd been doing and added the one real activity we thought we'd missed on the rest of our tour of the Tahitian islands.
To help cut down on costs we cooked almost all of our meals while on Moorea. Fresh fruit from people with stands right on the street and lots of bread and cheese because they mostly eat French cuisine. We had cereal or french toast most mornings and then grilled cheese or grilled ham and cheese for most lunches. It was actually really nice to cook after 10 days on a boat where there were lots of choices but it still wasn't always exactly what you'd like. And truthfully after 10 days of gorging ourselves we weren't really that hungry anyway. The kids were happy too to eat what they like.
Friday was very rainy- on and off as was usually the case so we mostly hung on the porch and played games or read.
Miles decided he was actually cold and needed a "banky". It was still in the 80's even with the rain.
The one thing we realized we had really missed on the islands was doing something cultural. We saw wildlife, did lots of physical activities, enjoyed the scenery, learned about their history, shopped, ate, but never really anything cultural. And luckily Moorea has what we read was the best Tahitian cultural experience of any of the islands. It's apparently like the Polynesian Cultural Center in Hawaii- but Tahitian style. And kind of the same experience too- a village to tour and learn about, a traditional dinner with a show.
Not really sure what this house boat is for but it was at the center.
Same with the canoes.
This is what a traditional village looked like.
And a traditional band- sorry no soundtrack for you.
A guy showing us how to properly open a coconut.
And here's dinner. They cooked it for hours in an underground fire pit.
Miles thought it was yummy.
And then it was on to the show. They had all the guys get up and do the male dance. Sorry I can't figure out how to upload a working video or you'd get a really good show.
Even Taylor got in on the show and Miles and Isaac and Ethan are on the front row.
Then the real dancers entertained us for over an hour. Pretty amazing.

Miles got pulled onstage for one dance and he actually tried to hula. Totally hilarious to watch him shake what little bum he has!
And it was Christmas season so they added a song and acted out the Nativity but Tahitian style of course.
I have to give Taylor's cousin real credit. Staying those extra 5 days was heavenly. It was just what we needed after a 10 day reunion. So nice just to be with our little family relaxing and playing in paradise. I'd do it again in a heartbeat.

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