Saturday, October 15, 2011

To the Zoo

This fabulous summery weather we've been having was just too good to pass up and since we've kind of overdone the scooter-walk-to-the-park adventure too much (not to mention now that Miles has his own scooter it's a major tantrum if we don't bring it and a really LONG SLOW walk if we do) so we opted to enjoy the weather walking around the zoo. Normally I wouldn't even have posted such a mundane trip, but really how can I pass up these 3 cute boys in awe at every window.

Can I just say how nice it was no not bring a stroller along and just walk/run (they get a little over-excited to see the next animal) the whole zoo together. So nice to see these brothers who truly enjoy each other's company.
And since we were having such a great time we couldn't pass up a quick ride around the zoo on the train.

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