Monday, May 24, 2010

Making the Best of It

Miles has for the past week had the lovely habit of waking up between 5:20 and 5:40. It's terrible because you can't really go back to sleep after that but it's still too early for me personally. So this morning when he woke up at 5:20 I fed him and then crawled back into my warm bed. Ethan came running in promptly at 7:01 (he's officially allowed out of his room after 7am) to tell me that it was snowing outside. Seriously??? It's May 24th!!!
After much grumbling on my part and threats to pack everyone in the car and drive south to Vegas, we finally decided to make the best of it. I bundled up Ethan and Isaac in hats, gloves, coats, boots, and even snowpants and sent them out to play.
It was snowing so much my camera almost couldn't focus on the kids!
Yep, those are my Mother's Day flowers that the dog killed, then got re-bought/re-planted this weekend and now are going to be killed by the snow. Luckily they're under an overhanging balcony so it's just the cold air that might kill them.
Isaac covered in snow after just 3 minutes outside.
I do have to admit this was a nice adventure for the kids. It snowed lots here in November and December but I'd just had Miles and hadn't gotten them snow pants or boots yet so they never got to play in the snow. Then for the rest of the winter it's been really cold but not much snow- never more than 1 or 2 inches. Isaac had this silly grin on his face the whole time outside today.
And since Ethan's school is out for the summer he got to join in on the fun. He happily showed Isaac how to make snowballs.
Which Isaac couldn't resist throwing at me.
And at Ethan, and thus ensued a major snowball fight. Luckily they both have really bad aim so no one got it in the face.
Since it's supposed to be summer or at least spring- it was 85 last Monday- all the summer toys were already pulled out and got snowed on. Ethan discovered the slide was extra-fun with snow on it.
Isaac couldn't resist following his lead.
A fun adventure for this morning and now we're all holed up inside trying to stay warm. Hot chocolate and a movie anyone?

1 comment:

Nikki said...

Nothing like playing in the snow during summer vacation!