Friday, May 21, 2010

Ethan's End of School Program

At Christmas Ethan's little preschool put on a little performance where they all sang Christmas songs. Cute, but I was hoping for a little more. And they definitely delivered!!!
So instead of just some songs, they put on a little play- all in Spanish of course so we couldn't really understand much (3 and 4 year olds speaking spanish on stage never seems to work) but it was very cute.
They performed the Jungle Book and Ethan was Baloo the bear. So hilarious. I didn't even really he had a main part or even a funny part until we were there. He's pretty good at keeping a secret. This picture is the part in the movie where Baloo has a scratchy back and Mogli scratches it and then it's not enough so Baloo get up and eventually uproots a tree and dances around until it really scratches his back. HE WAS HILARIOUS!!!

Seriously, I'm totally sad these videos aren't working because we got it on tape and we could barely stop laughing. Okay we actually couldn't stop.

And here's the cute people who came along to support Ethan.
Grams with Ethan Baloo.
Ethan with his favorite friend at school- Carolina. She was Bageera the panther. And some other friends enjoying their cookies and juice afterwards.

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