Thursday, May 27, 2010

A few more Playmats

My brother Jim and his family are coming out to Utah for a visit in July and since we've just lived through the struggles of really-long airplane rides with lots of kids in tow I feel their pain so I made these felt playmats for them (with lots of helpful ideas from Necia).
I actually got to make something cute and pink! Yeah! Just a basic version of the gray castle I made for my boys but MUCH cuter!
I almost want to buy some little princesses or fairies so I can play with it but I'll leave that to Madeline.
Nathan's stumped me for a while. He likes army men and volcanoes currently. Kind of an odd combination but we made due. The gray building is their barracks and both the mountain and the volcano have caves to hide in.
Necia requested a dinosaur mat for Robert and since my own boys have been begging for one, this is what I came up with. Kind of generic but lots of room for dinos.
And lastly another car mat for little Joseph. He's just 4 months older than Miles so he'll probably just eat the cars instead of drive them, but we couldn't leave him out.
I've stolen so many ideas off of other people's web sites so I figured I owed it to everyone to share these ideas.

1 comment:

Gina said...

You never cease to amaze me! You can just whip up great things!