Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Isaac gave us a little scare last week. He had eczema as a child and reacted adversely to a few peanut-butter crackers he got a hold of almost a year ago. His face would get a big rash but that's about the only reaction he had to nuts. We assumed he had some kind of nut allergy so we've tried to keep them out of our house and away from him and he's been fine.
Then last month he went to a neighbors birthday party and there was a reese's peanut butter cup in his little treat bag that I didn't notice until I found the empty wrapper. He had no reaction which I thought was a good sign. And then he also ate some chicken with pine nuts on them and again no reaction so I thought- yeah! maybe he's not allergic anymore.
So I wasn't really thinking last week when I left a half-eaten bowl of mixed nuts sitting by the computer. We got back from the grocery store and I was halfway through unpacking when Isaac brought me the bowl with only 3 almonds left (apparently he doesn't like almost) and asked for "more". Ethan confirmed that it was Isaac that ate the nuts. But since he hadn't reacted the previous 2 times I didn't think much of it. Throughout the evening, his face got red, then it looked like it was swollen, his nose started to run, and he started coughing. Being an idiot, I thought- oh great he's getting a cold! Seriously I didn't piece things together until I was putting him in his pajamas and noticed his head-to-toe rash that he was scratching furiously.
A trip to the pharmacist, a dose of Benadryl, and a sleepless night for us later, he was fine. Sadly we have to ban nuts from our house again. Oh well! At least he's fine and we avoided an expensive ER trip.
He spent the next day happily playing with his baby (still in pajamas as I was catching up on missed sleep).
Miles still has his Bugsy moments.
But he's starting to really love tummy time. It doesn't hurt that his brothers bring him toys to look at- monocromatic even!
And he's almost rolling. He is happy on the floor but will kick his feet and follow you around the room with his head and make little squeaks to be picked up. He's a little charmer.

1 comment:

Nikki said...

Nut allergies stink! Sorry Isaac