Friday, February 12, 2010

Miles and his Fishy Chair

My mom bought us this blue "fishy chair" before Ethan was born. It's been well-used. I used to drag it into the bathroom with Ethan so I could reach out of the shower and put his binky back in his mouth every time it fell out. (This was before I realized I deserved to shower in peace and it wouldn't kill a child to let them cry for 5 minutes) With Isaac it got dragged around our apartment so that he could be entertained while I taught Joyschool to Ethan and his little friends. And now it is Miles' best friend. Amazingly, Miles is the first one to actually "bounce" in the seat. He kicks his legs up and down and full on bounces. I'm sure I should be following his example and I'd have rock hard abs like he does.

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