Sunday, February 8, 2009


By the end of the trip I felt pretty bad for the boys. Every little town has it's own cathedral and little castle so that's mostly what we ended up touring every day. Ethan was a trooper and walked and walked and walked (and was occasionally carried by an obliging uncle or father) and Isaac sat and sat and sat in his stroller. So I feel bad, but then I look back at these pictures and they're amazing so I don't feel too sorry for them.
Roman coins.
Pottery from before the Romans.
The castle wall and steps at Loule. They've just built a modern museum right inside the castle walls.
Portuguese flag. Isaac sitting (again).
One bizarre thing we noticed all over Portugal were these crazy Santas hanging from the walls of apartment buildings. They were seriously everywhere, in every town and lots of them. Ethan loved this. I find it a little weird.
Ethan trying to break up the monotony of walking- with hiding!
Taylor, Isaac, Sonia (his mom), and Ethan.
And what town would be complete without it's own nativity scene?
The other thing we noticed everywhere were these amazing pottery chimneys. Every house had 2 or 3 and often they were amazingly elaborate. Sonia says she's never seen them in any other country so here's a small sampling.

1 comment:

Dave and Shandie said...

leave it to the Portuguese to make santa look like an old creepy man.