Friday, January 9, 2009

MY attempt at a Gingerbread house

Making Gingerbread (graham cracker) houses has become a Chevy Chase playgroup tradition and although it's messy, I love it.

So here's my house. The grass is because we never actually get snow in DC for Christmas. Not a problem in my opinion, and for fun I added a fish pond complete with goldfish crackers. Now before you judge me for saying it's "MY" house, please understand that I would love it if either of my children had cared to help. I would love to have a child that likes to do crafts or color or even put candy on houses. Nope, instead my boys couldn't be happier to be off running around the gym. It didn't help that we gave Ethan his Christmas present early. (a $7 bike we found at Goodwill- yes we love living near rich people who overbuy for their only child!) Isaac did occasionally venture close to me but only to hiss that he wanted another graham cracker and Ellie didn't have any in her hands to steal. Sorry Ellie!

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