Friday, January 9, 2009

Isaac is 1 year old- can you believe it?

So I figure I have to do a post in honor of him living through his first year. This is starting to be a real accomplishment since he's very into trying to kill and maim himself. Climbing is his favorite past time and walking with sticks in his hands comes in a close second. Learning to walk has been a bit treacherous as well. So here's your proof.

Isaac would rather SIT on the car ramp than drive a car on it

And chairs are certainly not for sitting, but standing on them while banging a toy on the table is great fun. It would only be better if I could climb on the table and then onto the play kitchen (trust me he's done both of those- I just chose to save him instead of grabbing my camera).

See- even climbing into a basket of laundry is great fun. Notice the victory pointing.

Hiding is also a favorite. We got a new stroller for our Christmas travels and the box has seriously been their favorite Christmas toy.

And of course he wouldn't be a Woodbury if he didn't love golf. Mostly he just carries the clubs around with a ball in his hand. Still- stick in hand, clumbsy new walker, many black eyes!
Okay, so the last month has been full of bumps and bruises and falls which are a bit hair-raising for his mother but Isaac really is a sweetheart. He is always happy and loves to follow Ethan around. He loves vegetables and cheese more than cookies and is happy to eat- such a blessing as Ethan still cannot be convinced that food is worth spending time on. He sleeps 15 hours a day and travels well in the car (usually he grabs his feet and smiles- this I'm told is the "happy baby yoga pose" no kidding). He has been an amazing blessing in our lives and we love him so much!


Nikki said...

Happy Birthday Isaac!

Nikki said...

Oh P.S with all the climbing/bumps and bruises he sounds like a little Ian. Must be the 2nd child thing!