Saturday, October 26, 2013

Shark Soccer

This little rugrat has been so happy to be a big boy and play soccer on his own team.
Ethan helped me corral Isla on the sidelines.

Not sure why these little guys like to give "head fives" instead of normal "fives".
I got lucky and caught a great drive on my camera.  Out in front.
All the way down.  And goal!
So proud of himself!
And so excited to go tell dad all about it!
It warms my heart to see Taylor have these opportunities to bond with his kids.  He works really long hours and misses a lot of the everyday moments I get to be a part of.  Miles is so full of life and personality.
It's fun to be a part of his little life.
An informal team picture?  Yep, it's like that.
Come on, these are 4 year olds. Would you expect them actually to look and smile?

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