Friday, March 29, 2013

Downtown Chi-town

Taylor and Ethan finally joined us and so it was time to go have big adventures.
Okay first we had to sleep in a little and Grandma was happy to entertain my boys with her ipad games.  Candy Crush anyone?
And then we headed downtown.  Taylor had never been up the Sears (Willis) tower and neither had I so we went and took Ethan along while the grandparents took the younger 3 to a park.
The views were amazing and luckily enough we got a very clear day.
Ethan was truly impressed and it was fun to spend time with just one kid.
Okay so he's still a cheeseball even without his brothers egging him on.

The best part is they've built a small glass extension on one side so you can literally walk 4 feet out onto a glass floor and look straight down.  Yep, that's glass under our butts- and hundreds of feet of air.
Ethan couldn't stop giggling.  I think that was his coping mechanism.  It was a little scary.
But fascinating too.

This crazy guy next to us had to do a handstand for fun.
So cute- love these two boys.
And it was kind of funny to have a flashback moment.  When Ethan was almost 2 we dragged him to Paris- through museums and cathedrals and really boring (for him)places.  In Versailles we were surprised to discover you couldn't use a stroller.  But luckily Taylor had gotten one of those new fangled video ipods from his law school WestLaw points so Ethan walked the whole tour with one hand holding onto Taylor and the other holding the ipod.  It was perfect and really fun to see other parent's responses.  Fast-forward 6 years and he's still glued to an ipod while we waited in line- minus the hand holding which is just a little sad.d
After that we ran off to meet everyone at "the bean".
Who knows what this things really is, but it is cool
We could have spent hours touching and looking and running around.
Silly boys and their upside down twins.
Pretty cool to have the skyline in the background.
Poor Miles was all tuckered out from chasing grandpa around the water front and convinced dad to be his horsey.  Touchdown!
Ethan and Isaac continued their chasing of grandpa and enjoyed every minute of our walk downtown.

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