Monday, March 26, 2012

Easter Bags

One of my main complaints with our family traveling so much is that we always do it around holidays. We're ALWAYS gone at Christmas and then Spring Break is always around Easter so we seem to miss that holiday too. Don't get me wrong, I manage to squeeze in the basics like stocking and easter baskets, but I do feel like the meaning behind the holidays is often lost in the chaos of being somewhere new.
So this year since I'm just 6 weeks from having a baby and WAY sick of traveling after Tahiti and NYC we decided to stay at home for a stay-cation. And since we were staying I had time to make Easter more meaningful. So for the 2 weeks prior to Easter we had nightly FHE where we opened up an "Easter Bag" to find a surprise that went along with a New Testament story of Christ.
Okay so I'll admit that we didn't do a bag each and every night, sometimes we missed a night because we were off doing something together but it was nice to each night gather, read some scriptures, and then get a small surprise to go along with it. In case you're wondering I absolutely did NOT come up with this on my own. I found it on Pinterest (which I LOVE) so you're welcome to look me up and "pin" it for next year for your family.
I severely neglected taking pictures but I did remember the first night where we read about Jesus' many names and then found small playdoughs inside our bag. Then we used the playdough to spell out each of our middle names which are all family names and have more meaning because of the people and stories they represent.
A fun tradition that I'm hoping to continue in years to come. Check out pinterest to see all the different day's scripture stories and the coordinating small gift. (another favorite of the kids was reading the miracle of the loaves and fishes and finding 5 crackers and 3 swedish fish in their bags :)

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