Friday, July 3, 2009

Science Experiments

Diet Coke is a controversial topic in the Woodbury Family along with such things as politics, religion, and garage sales (that's a story for another day though). Taylor says his family doesn't struggle with alcoholism- mostly due to the influence of the church, but they do suffer from "diet coke-ism". It is seriously an addiction in some members of the family. His dad likes to say you can tell the Mormons from non-mormons in their household by the temperature of their morning caffeine. And as further proof that this is truly an addiction in his family, Taylor's grandfather was in the hospital for a few days before he passed away 2 years ago and was having a hard time swallowing the pills they wanted him to take. They kept giving him water and he kept gagging on it. Taylor's mother was in the room and will attest to the fact that he kept whispering "diet coke" which she had to sneak in to him when the nurses wouldn't allow it and in the end those were his last words.
So it would come as no surprise that 2 weekends ago when Taylor's aunt and uncle were in town, they bought some diet coke and other drinks and when they left town they left the unopened ones in a mostly un-used fridge down in the basement where they were staying. All this would have been fine, if someone hadn't been in a hurry to get them cold and cranked the fridge up past it's highest cold setting which effectively turned the fridge into a freezer.
So this morning when I randomly opened the fridge, what did I find???????
Tragically a lot of wasted diet coke. I'm sure this picture will break several people's hearts in the family. Mine is fine. Just a little annoyed to have to clean it up!

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