Sunday, July 26, 2009

Are these boys ready for a little brother?

Yes they are! While Kristina and her husband were doing last minute loading of the truck, they left Evan inside with us. I was busy making dinner so I just set him in the walker and gave him his binky. Ethan and Isaac were very concerned by his whimpering though (I really mean whimpering- the child doesn't cry, he more just meows). So what would make him happy in a 4 year old's brain? A whole heap of dinosaurs- of course! It was really cute to see them get him toys on their own and then when Evan was less than impressed with them and continued to whimper, they would shake them and make them roar and really tried to make him happy. Here's to hoping they'll be just as nice to the new baby.
(Actually, on a side note, the other day Ethan came up and poked my belly and asked if the baby was still in there. I informed him that it was and Ethan's next question was "well when is she coming out". I said "oh, it's a boy, he's going to be your brother". At which point he started tearing up and when I asked "did you want a little sister?" there were actual tears that fell accompanying his yes reply. Ahh, a child after my own heart. My only guess is that he had so many friends that were girls in DC that he loved so he was hoping for a sister. Who knows? So now he's been telling random strangers and anyone that will listen that he's getting a baby brother but THEN he'll get a sister after that. Here's to hoping!)

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