Thursday, June 11, 2009

Enjoying Photoshop

Sunday naps are the devil.

You always think a Sunday nap is your friend, but it always comes back to bite you. You either feel crappy all Sunday night, or have trouble making it through Monday.

While Sar and kids take Sunday naps, I've taken to doing photoshop tutorials to keep myself awake and engaged. I love photoshop and aspire to be really good at it one day.
The first is a friend of Ethan's at his birthday party.
I used this picture from the internet of a woman dancing to create the next one.

1 comment:

Jacqueline Auna and family said...

Nice work, Taylor! Those are really cool pictures... I guess we could of just had you photoshop Ethan into the JoySchool graduation and it would have looked much more realistic!