Thursday, October 9, 2008

Palmyra Sites

While we were staying with my brother and sister-in-law, they took us over to see the sights around Palmyra. We stopped at the Grandin Press first. This was the place the Book of Mormon was printed for the first time. They still have the original wood floors that you can walk across and I have to confess I cringed every time Ethan bounced or ran. The sister missionary that did our tour was so kind and patient with Ethan and his cousins and they were completely enthralled.

Us looking at a 1st edition of the Book or Mormom. She actually told us that some random guy had walked in a month before and handed them the book explaining that his father had recently passed away and in going through his local attic, they found the book and thought the visitor center might want it. (Taylor's comment was "wow, he could have made thousands on ebay but oh well!")
It was really amazing to see how hard it used to be to print books. So much work and time. It's amazing anyone cared enough to actually do it!

After the Granden Press we were off to see both the log and frame homes that the Smith family lived in. Again it was amazing to hear all the stories and see how cramped everything was. I did come away inspired by Lucy Mack Smith who said when she left her frame home to head to Kirtland "may the Lord bless me to not once look backward to the comforts of that home, but forward in faith and following the Lord's commands". Okay so that's more of a paraphase, but anyways it was inspiring to me that she was willing to leave everything because the Lord needed her to. We also visited the Sacred Grove (not so spiritual with 2 toddlers and 2 babies) and the Hill Cumorah. It was a great trip- one we'll definitely have to repeat again in a few years when the kids can understand and appreciate a little more.

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