Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Back in Joyschool

One of the things I love most about DC is that so many of our friends are here. This is our 7th year here and it just feels like home. The same is true for Ethan. All summer he kept asking for different ones of his friends and kept telling us he wanted to go "to DC" as he calls it. He absolutely loves it here and I know a big part of that is his little preschool that he goes to. You can click on the link to the left that says Joyschool and read all the weekly updates, but I just had to make a post of my own since he loves it so much.
The first unit this year was learning about their bodies. The first day Ethan came home, threw both of his arms out wide and asked us "do you like my body?" In between fits of laughing we answered that we did. He has been so excited to tell us all about the amazing things he can do with his body and about his 5 senses. He truly is learning a lot and having a great time doing it. When it was my turn to teach one of the fun activities we did was finger painting with pudding. It's always so interesting to see how each of the 4 kids have such differing personalities. One child was very bothered that we would paint with the pudding until I told him he could eat it too. Then life was okay. Ethan was not the least bit interested in eating or really painting, but enjoyed making a mess. The only girl in the group was very careful and created actually a really good picture, and the last boy in the group was so scientific about the whole thing that I couldn't stop laughing. We have a blast and they do too.
We love Joy School!

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