Saturday, May 3, 2008

Isaac's new enemies and friends

Isaac has now become his own worst enemy. He has SOME control over his little hands and what they grab onto, but not much. Mostly it's just like those grabby claw machines outside of Wal-mart that never really give you the prize. Most of the time it just picks it up an inch and then drops it. So is the everyday life of Isaac. Which was fine when he was just trying to grab at toys and couldn't really get them, but now... his little hands have started removing his binky from his own mouth and he can never seem to get it back in by himself. He's pretty funny when he's really tired and those phantom hands come and steal his binky from his mouth. He always looks at the person closest to him like we've just done it.
On the upside, sometimes he can at least get part of the binky back into his mouth which he likes since he's teething.
And maybe it's like that saying, "the Lord giveth and he taketh away", Isaac may be constantly taking away his own binky, but he's also recently discovered that he can fold himself in half and put his toes into his mouth. So even if the binky is gone, somehow he now always has something to suck on.

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