Thursday, June 14, 2012

Isla- 4 weeks old already!

I can hardly believe how fast she's growing up.  It's bittersweet.  Isla is a good car rider.  She's happy to sleep as long as the car is moving- but the second you stop she wants OUT.  And I mean OUT!  She is always really warm when I pull her out and she seems to hate getting overheated.  I made that cute pink cover so I could stick blankets in with her and sadly it's already been removed.  She doesn't need any extra heat!
Isla is awake mostly in the evenings these days.  She has gotten on a pretty consistent schedule of nursing, being awake and happy for another 20 minutes or so and then she is only happy if you swaddle her and let her go back to sleep which thankfully she does mostly on her own in her crib.  Of course I can't resist letting her sleep in my arms on the couch most afternoons when I'm feeling drowsy.  I just can't pass up this cute newborn sleeping stage.
So peaceful.  She's been sleeping 4-6 hours at a time at night and usually gives us a good 5-6 hour stretch to start.  Hallelujah!  I know I'm spoiled and it could change at any time but I'm actually feeling pretty good sleeping from 10pm-1, 1:45-4, and 4:45 to 7.  Our only complaint is that she gets hiccups ALL THE TIME. And she HATES them.  It's actually funny.  She'll hiccup then growl, then hiccup then growl and continue this until they stop.  She never really screams about them- just the growling in between each one.  So at night I nurse her and then have to hold her upright another 20 minutes or so before putting her down.  I'd rather just be able to feed her and put her back but for now it's sweet to hold her even if it's 1:30am!
We love this cutie!

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