Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Isaac's Preschool Picture

If Ethan gets a post, Isaac needs one too. Especially with his cute preschool portrait. Ethan's first year at the McKee School there were less than half this many kids in the picture. This program is exploding because it's so wonderful. Someday they'll have to expand to a bigger facility but for now he gets the same cute, close-knit experience Ethan did but with a few more teachers to rotate between.
Isaac is a cutey-pie. Those chocolate brown eyes, monster long lashes and curls to die for melt my heart. He seriously gets away with a lot. Of course mostly he gets away with things because he's such a little joker. Life is non-stop fun for Isaac. Even if it's not supposed to be something fun, somehow Isaac makes it fun for himself. He has the best laugh I have ever heard and no one seems able to resist it. He's patient with Miles who is just absolutely SURE he's just as big and can do everything Isaac can do. He follows Ethan around like an adoring brother and will play or do anything he tells him to do. At the same time Isaac just isn't as competitive as Ethan and Miles and is pretty laid back (so nice as a parent that everything doesn't have to be a competition). Isaac LOVES life and if there's one comment I get more than any other (besides how cute his curls are) it's how they wish they were as utterly happy as he is. I hope he never loses that happiness. It shines so much through him and his actions that he brightens our family. We're so blessed to have him.

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