Saturday, January 22, 2011

Just Hanging

Last summer we painted basically our entire upstairs and unfortunatly that's about where everything stopped. I'm the first to admit that I lack much design style and added to that is the quirkiness of having a house built in the 60's. This wall in the living room especially stumped us for a while. You see the fireplace is... not symetrical, nor is it really tall enough to do much with. But since we're still in more of a fix-it-up stage instead of remodeling, we'll live with it for now. So we came up with the idea to do a collage wall instead of just hanging one or two pictures that we couldn't figure out how to center. We snagged a bunch of nice black frames at the day after Thanksgiving sales and then the Saturday before we started in on the project we had friends over who gave us the brilliant idea to cut out butcher paper in the exact measurements of our frames. Then we were able to tape them up and move them around until we found a configuration we liked. Genious!

The even better part was that then we were able to simple mark where the hooks were on the butcher paper and drill holes right through the paper. So much easier and each lined up exactly where it needed to!

It took us almost 6 hours to agree upon how to layout the the wall, and then less than an hour to hang them all.

Of course by then we'd worn ourselves and all our freetime out so we didn't get around to hanging up the actual pictures in their frames for another 2 months. But we're done now- finally! And here's the finished product- at least until I take cuter pictures of my kids and can't resist hanging them up.

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