Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Girl's Trip

Ahh! To be a Kitchen. So growing up with 3 boys and 3 girls, there was always a little competition going on. Okay so there was a lot. We're competitive and sometimes poor sports and it's definitely an inherited trait (trust me lots of stories to share). And a common theme growing up was fairness and equality. And our dad tried to instill in us that while life isn't equal you'd really not want to it be and what you really want is to feel that others are trying to make your life fair. Of course life doesn't work that way but we Kitchens sure do try to make it!
So a few summers back, after my dad had gotten a nice bonus and was drooling over hiking trips and rafting trips, my mom finally just pushed him into booking a trip down the grand canyon. And then some of the siblings got wind of this and wanted to join. Which turned into everyone wanting to join but of course since half the siblings have kids, it couldn't become a family reunion. And thus was born the first "boy's trip". Which of course in fairness land (that would be the Kitchen family) meant that there also had to be a "girl's trip". It took several years to line up the timing so that there were no little babies to drag along and just one somewhat pregnant sister, but we finally booked it.
So off we all headed- by now 3 sisters, 1 mom, and 3 sisters-in-law to sunny and (somewhat) warm Florida for a long weekend together.
We're girls- of course there had to be some pampering involved.

And who can resist the beach even if it's windy and you have to wear a jacket. Yep, that's me the wimp in the parka and sandals.

But on the beach no less.

We spent a day shopping at downtown Disney, saw a Cirque de Soleil show, hit up the outlet malls another day, learned to make jewelry together, relaxed at the beach, at way too much food, did more shopping, more movie watching, lots of book reading and lots of chatting, and in general had the most relaxing weekend any mother of young children can imagine. Even free of needy husbands. But all too soon it was over. We stopped by the Orlando temple.

And the beach one more time.

Enjoyed the amazing veranda and it's sunsets just one last time.

Seriously need one of these added onto my house (and maybe Florida's weather too).

And then it was over. Of course it was even nice to fly on an airplane by myself- read in peace, listen to the babies crying who weren't mine to deal with. Can't wait for the next boy's trip- cause then it'll be our turn again after that!!!

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