Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Gingerbread House Tradition

Last Christmas Mack and his girlfriend Sam gave Ethan and Isaac a gingerbread house kit for Christmas. Isaac was just one and didn't appreciate the building, although he didn't mind the eating. Ethan loved it and it was a fun activity they all did together. So this year even though Sam couldn't come, they gave the boys another kit and Mack managed to build a house with icing and wrangle two boys at the same time.
Ethan was a big helper as always and has actually decided that he does like some candy- at least some kinds. (You see that tank in the background? Barb brought her pet lizard Monty all the way from West Virginia. The boys loved him, especially when we found live crickets in the house and fed them to him. Quite entertaining!)

Again Isaac was more interested in eating than decorating but he did help with a few gingerbread men and his side of the roof. How cute is that? Multi-tasking: candy in the mouth and simultaneously putting candy on the roof.
And Mack was kind enough to let him use the knife which he loved because he never gets to at home.
Thanks Mack and Sam. The boys loved it and we can't wait for next year!

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