Friday, July 4, 2014

Independence Day

Ok so maybe a few of us are worn out from all the fun.
But it's Independence day so here come's some more fun.  All dressed up and ready... and waiting for parents and baby cousins to get ready.
Pancake breakfast.  Oh yeah!

Anderson's scowl says he hates us for putting this headband on him just as clearly as if he could speak those words.
Clark is not sure about them.
Berry picking with a hayride.  Ooh yeah!

Monopoly and snacks on the porch.  Yep, bring on the fun.
We'll stay in the AC thank you very much.
And dad will nap (oh yeah, he made it in last night to join the fun).
Fireworks still not starting?  Let's go ride scooters around the crazy packed neighborhood.  Seriously.  Do you see the cars lining both sides of the street?  Kelli's town doesn't do a fireworks show because they allow residents to put on their own personal fireworks show- meaning they allow anyone in the tiny town of Moxee to set off ANY kind of firework between 6pm and 10pm on the 4th of July.  And they do.  And they invite their friends and family along for the fun.
I'm partial but is she not the cutest thing ever?
Taylor won this little firepit at a work function in the spring and since our backyard already has a firepit in it, we decided Kelli and Dana would appreciate us donating this to them.  Of course we forgot to get wood so cardboard had to do.
And maybe next time we'll learn from our mistake because a few of us may have lost eye brows.
And the neighbors fence may have almost caught on fire.
And then it was all over a little too quickly.
But the smores were good.
Yep, thumbs up means good even if the face is ambiguous.
And even though it still wasn't dark we decided to stretch out in the backyard and watch the neighbors fireworks.
See even the backyard neighbors have a party going on too.  Fireworks to the south.
And the east.
Ok those are a little big to be that close.
But being right under them is pretty neat.

But a little too loud this close.
Oh and there's some from the west too.  Like I said literally the whole town is setting off their own fireworks from all sides so you just pick a direction and watch.  It's amazing.
But even 3 hours straight of fireworks in every direction isn't impressive after a while for these guys so luckily the Target $ store had fun light sticks.
From the north and west sides.
Literally right above that house... a little too close for my comfort.

And then out front from the south and east.
The kids wore themselves out running from the front to back and all around with their glowsticks and fireworks exploding over their heads.  What an amazing end to Independence day.  And promptly at 10pm... it was silent... and dark... and we all slept.

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