Thursday, January 16, 2014

When Christmas is done...

It's time to move on to... Valentines Day!  At least that's the way I try to think of it as I'm putting away Christmas decorations  and feeling a little sad to see all the amazing holiday times slipping away.  But at least I can keep the red, and add a little pink.  So the pillows stay.
And the bouquet of roses and lilies and calla lilies and hydrangeas that Taylor got me the first Valentines we were back in Utah.  He knows I hate to see flowers wilting and dieing.  So these are fake but they're big and gorgeous and bloom as long as I have them out ;)
And there's this subway art that sings the praises of love and Valentines day.
And more pink flowers.
And more.
But the whole point of Valentines is not just flowers and I saw these cute felt envelopes on Pinterest I thought I could whip up pretty easy so I did.  I literally just cut felt squares, trimmed a half circle off the inside one so kids could reach in easier, glue gunned the pieces together, added rickrack and felt letters and then some handstitching that gives it that true envelope look.  Super easy.  Cute.  And functional.
See, little pockets for letters of love.
And I added straps to the back so they can hang on each of the kid's chairs.  Then we had a Family Home Evening where we made love notes for each other (and added treats since that's just more fun) and delivered them to their envelopes.  I made up a little box with bags of extra card paper and stickers and pens so the kids could write more love notes any time they wanted.  And boy did they!  It was really fun to see them making cards and delivering them and enjoying receiving them too.  These will definitely be a Valentines staple for years to come.  It made the holiday more about love and sharing our gratitude for a longer period of time and much less about silly little store bought cards and candy.

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