Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Birthday to Gram!

Most years Taylor's parents go out of town for Sonia's birthday. Most of that is because her birthday is always next to Memorial Day so why not take a vacay. But this year they didn't travel so we got to celebrate her birthday.
The kids were overjoyed. Seriously! Sunday after church they went downstairs and created a whole birthday feast table complete with play food cupcakes and chairs assigned to each family member. They played "birthday party" all afternoon. That night we made homemade cards and they couldn't wait for our family dinner Monday night to give them to grams.

Grams showed the appropriate excitement and love for their creations. Of course!

Miles waited patiently, mostly because the cake sat 2 feet in front of him and he's learned if you sit in your highchair and say "peace" you generally get given the good stuff.

We were all very excited to share in the birthday moments with grams.

Cause birthdays rock!

And so does chocolate cake!

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