Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Day

Christmas Day was a true vacation.  No leaving the house!  Just presents and playing and hanging out all day.
Santa left stocking bags full of bubbles and pens and angry bird flingers.
Isla got her first baby doll- and promptly started eating it.
Okay so really she ate everything.  She wasn't interested in her presents at all- not the opening, not the things inside, she just wanted to eat the paper, and the presents themselves.
The boys all got books to read.
Isla didn't need anything with so many big brothers but I got her a Minnie Mouse doll anyways.  It was really cute to see Grandpa hold her so much.  She's just so tiny and cuddly it's easy to just keep her with you all the time.  Look though, she isn't even interested in Minnie- the blue paper is fantastic though.
Taylor did a good job handing out all the presents.
Ethan and Isaac were so excited to get a basketball from Grandpa.  They have several smaller, softer basketballs, but this is a REAL one.  Or so they kept telling me.  And in Jazz colors too!
Taylor's parents gave us each shirts with silly saying on them.  Mine says "seriously?".  Which is perfect.  Taylor's says "what I really need are minions" and I can't wait for him to wear it with all the boys in their little yellow minion shirts.  It'll be hilarious.
And Taylor got wireless headphones to use with the TV in our bedroom.  I MIGHT have gotten him a present that's really more of a present for me :)
Miles got a cute dog guitar I couldn't resist.  We love the toys made by Parents Magazines and especially the musical ones.
Grams and Grandpa gave the boys their biggest present- golf club sets.  I know it would surprise everyone but this family is quite obsessed with golf and my little boys have caught the bug too.  Currently it's just mini golf but they'll take the 3 tiny clubs Ethan has out in the back yard and spend hours building their own courses around trees, up hills, and all over the yard.
Ethan is definitely the best at saying thank you but they were all really enthusiastic.
Miles is pretty sure he's one of the big boys now.
Much of the day was spent learning to how to hold the club and hit the ball correctly.  The little sets came with velcro mats so there was a super huge "hole" for them to hit onto.
These 2 are really cute together- some kind of special "third boy in a family" bond.
Grams spent even more time helping Isaac build all his birthday and Christmas legos.
And funny enough Ethan's favorite present was a travel ping pong set.  He actually picked it out of a Target add and I thought it would be fun to travel with.  I'm glad I got it now since it turned out to be such a hit.

Victory!  They're finally all put together!
More golf.  This time they set up their holes around the house and down the hallways and then took turns hitting.
Even Taylor got in on the action.
Jeff and Sonia also worked on a puzzle and we tried to keep Miles away.  Pieces tend to disappear when he gets too close to a puzzle.
More golf.
And a victory dance.
And even some golf shots between the lego heros.
A little serenading on the howling guitar.
More legos.
And more pool time.
This time with all 5 boys in the house.  It was a perfect, relaxing, stay in our pajamas all day, be with the family Christmas day.

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