Friday, May 18, 2012

Hanging in the Hospital

Taylor's mom and sister watched our boys while we were in the hospital and on Friday afternoon they brought them over to see us and visit baby Isla.  It was actually not the cute visit I had thought it would be.  When Ethan was born of course there were no siblings to visit us.  With Isaac, Ethan came to visit but it was Christmas day so all the Christmas presents were also lugged into our room for everyone to open together.  So he was quiet and entertained and was a nice visit.  With Miles, swine flu was raging so no kids at all were allowed to visit.  And with baby Isla, these 2 big brothers were not interested in her in the slightest.
See?  He'd rather look at the TV.
Or sit in mom's hospital bed. (cause there's TONS of buttons to push)
Or drink from her really cool, really huge water pitcher.  And that's what they did.
While Grams and dad got to enjoy the baby.
This is seriously the closest Miles got to her- he brought her a blanket and then promptly left.
See what they missed?  How can you pass up this cuteness?
Such a sweetheart!!!
Ethan came by later that night since he had a birthday party in the afternoon.  And FINALLY I got the moments I was wanting.  So cute to see how loving he was towards her.
He'll be a good big brother.
And on our way home from the hospital Taylor's mom begged us to stop in to see her father who lives just down the street.  His health is hit or miss so I think she wanted to make sure he got to meet her and we took a few pictures.
Look at those hammer pants!  I seriously misjudged how tiny she'd be.  She definitely needs newborn clothes and is even swamped in most of those.

1 comment:

Nikki said...

She is beautiful! I love her name it is beautiful too. And I will tell you right now that if Taylor is anything like Dave, Isla will have him wrapped around her finger.