Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Big Boy Miles

Back in October I wrote about Miles starting to show signs that he wanted to be potty trained.  Mostly he'd get out of the bath tub and stand at the toilet and say he was peeing.  But of course I was in the thick of morning sickness and so I put it off.  Plus he was only 2!  And then there was the Thanksgiving trip and then the Christmas trip and then the renovations and then the New York trip and by then I had a big enough belly that I wasn't excited for the prospect of having to get on my hands and knees and clean up accidents out of our new carpet.  I figured I'd put it off until later this summer.  Of course Miles is a persistent little bugger and he's also convinced that he's just as big as the other boys and can do anything they can do so he kept pushing the subject.  He even started undressing and dressing himself so I knew he had the basic skills for beginning.
So one night I was doing dishes and sent all 3 of them off to get pajamas on.  Miles came out a few minutes later buck naked and announced that "I pooed on da potty."  GREAT!  I thought.  Of course you didn't!  You're naked though so you must have pooed somewhere.  So off I went in search of more work at the end of a long day.  Miles dragged me to the bathroom to show me that he had in fact pooed ON the potty.  Unfortunately the lid was closed at the time so I still had a bit of a mess, but somehow on his own he figured out that he needed to go to the bathroom, and figured out how to get his clothes off, and even figured out where to do his business-mostly that is.
Taylor laughed from the other room the whole time.  He's been saying I should just do it since October.
So FINE I gave in and potty trained the child.  Not that it was that hard with one so ready.  And it helped that he is a treat-aholic and was very excited to earn a treat each time.  Even to the point that he'd ask me for a treat and I'd say okay let's go try and pee and he'd say no I want 2 and I'd say then you have to poo to get 2 and he'd go in and manage to get a tiny bit of poo out so he could earn his treats.  And then he'd do that again 3 minutes later when he wanted 2 more.  There was much eye-rolling on my part but I really can't complain.  There have been so few accidents to clean up and it's all just somehow clicked for him.  We'll see if he regresses in a few weeks with a new baby.  But at least I know he can do it and for a few short weeks I'm diaper free!!!

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