Sunday, December 1, 2013

The Elves are back!

It's that time of year... and our favorite 2 elves showed up right on time.  They even brought donuts for the good little boys and girl in our home.  
I know the elves are somewhat controversial, but we love them around here.  They bring such joy and magic into our home each morning so how can I resist?
I will admit that this year I was much less on top of planning ahead and staging things the night before and several mornings woke up at 6:55 in a panic because I had forgotten to move the elves!
Sometimes they were naughty.
Okay, most of the time they were naughty.
I don't really emphasize that they're watching the kids and will report back to Santa and that whole bit.  Mostly I just have them do funny things I see on Pinterest and I enjoy watching my kids faces light up when they find them and love listening to them talk about them during the day.  Anytime I can add a little magic to their lives, I'm all in!

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