Wednesday, January 8, 2014


This little girl has stolen ALL our hearts.  Her brother just adore her and really take care of her if she's ever sad or gets hurt.  It makes me smile because they naturally treat her different than each other.  It's pretty sweet to be the baby girl.
Plus she's irresistibly cute.  She's a natural mother and is forever carrying babies around, placing them in blankets, and feeding them- most often her own food.  Apparently this little doll wants a cup of milk and grapes.
And sometimes she insists her dolls come to lunch with her and she shares with them right from her own tray.
There's my attempt at pig tails.  Her hair is a little too fine and slippery for now so mostly it's a giant mess but it's cute anyways.  And she insists on me helping her put on her baby doll bjorn at least once a day only to take it off 2 minutes later.  Oh well, it's cute while it lasts.
And these two are home with me every morning so they're always my little helpers.
It's hard work cleaning the cookie dough spoon for mom.
And sometimes when we wake up and mom gets us out of our crib, we ALL need to come out and eat breakfast.  And we mean ALL- the baby girl and all her baby girls.  Isla would obviously rather hold her dollies and let the other eat her cereal.  Such a funny little thing
I almost forgot to explain the Blog Title.  A few months ago Taylor pulled out his phone with Isla sitting next to him.  It has her picture as the background and Isla pointed at her picture and stated "YaYa".  And it's stuck.  How cute is it that she's nicknamed herself?  It may not be an acceptable teenager nickname but we're sticking with it for now.

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