Thursday, April 21, 2011

Jeff and Jessica's Graduation

Ah, a familiar sight. BYU grads lining up for commencement. A sight my parents have seen 6 times. My youngest brother Jeff is their final graduate and since we're lucky enough to live close to BYU, we got to host my parents and enjoy them for the weekend and tag along for some of the graduation festivities.

Jeff and Jessica. How cute are they?

I miss BYU. You don't truly appreciate it until you go back and are reminding of how unique a place it is. Every class begins with a prayer as do all the theatre performances. It's a little shocking when you're not around it all the time but so nice to be reminded of what matters most. Elder Scott was the main speaker and it felt like being at Conference. Nice to hear gospel advice instead of the normal "you're off to do great things speech" you get at other universities.

It was fun to tag along- especially minus the 3 little boys who prefered playing with their cousins.

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