Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sagres (The end of the World in 1492)

I just had to include this first picture because it epitomizes Taylor's mom. She is always so upbeat and happy even with persistent allergies. She's the best mother-in-law I could ask for and the boys love her to death.
On to the touring, so this is Sagres- the southern-most western-most point in Europe. It was truly the end of the world in 1492 when Columbus sailed for America. In the early 1400's, Henry the Navigator set up a nautical school here. The pictures are the remnants of the fortress and school although much was destroyed in an earthquake and has been rebuilt.
Plaque on the entrance.
Entrance to the fort.
View of the bay from inside.
This compass rose has been around since the school was there. Apparently no one can figure out what it's purpose was besides it had to do with navigating ships. It's huge as you can tell.
The weather was actually in the 60's but holy cow can we say WIND!!!

Isaac hated the wind so he ended up with his hat pulled as far down as possible and binky in his mouth the whole day.

The whole peninsula was covered in these rocks and there were really no trees. I imagine all the top soil has long since been blown away, but there were these beautiful red flower things everywhere. Actually very inspiring to know that life finds a way even in harsh circumstances.

Ethan couldn't get enough of this place. Room to run without people telling him to stop (as long as he stayed away from the cliffs) and plenty of rocks to throw over the edge. Oh and cannons to climb on.
There were two different ones of these hole thingys I've been telling you about. This one was pretty amazing though because instead of just going straight down, it went sideways. We were literally hundreds of feet up on solid ground and yet you could see right down through it to the ocean. Here's the close-up view.
And here's backed up a bit. You can see how far we are from the real edge of the cliffs (and they don't slope down to beaches, they're really high cliffs) and then hundreds of yards inlands there's this monster hole. Can you tell Sonia's freaked out by Ethan being so close?
Family picture- Ethan happy, Isaac not so much.
It amazes me how many artifacts from history are just lieing around. Here for example is a head carved by the Argonauts. I may not be able to tell you exactly who they were but it still impresses me and kind of bothers me that this isn't inside a museum somewhere.
Effects of the wind on Taylor's hair. I may be sleeping on the couch for including this picture but I couldn't resist.
Taylor and his brothers. Every time they take a picture together it's a contest to see who's the tallest. I think it's a tie between Mack and Taylor but as you can tell Mack has found a taller rock to win this time.
Much of the trip was spent this way- Barb in front as the navigator and Taylor's dad driving. It actually worked out really well. Can we say car wash needed?


Kelli and Dana said...

The argonauts were a band of men, led by Jason, who traveled to modern day Georgia in search of the golden fleece from ancient greek mythology...glad that class came in handy. Nice photos...Dana wants taylor's beard:)

Kristina said...

By the way... Jason and the Argonauts was made into a black and white movie way back when. I had to watch it in High School and when I told Mom she seriously said, "Oh I remember seeing that in the theatre when it came out." Really? And you say you're not old???