Thursday, April 5, 2012


Being 7 1/2 months pregnant and suddenly having all 3 boys back all day together was a little exhausting. One of the ways I survived was having my daily "nap/rest time" break. Miles still naps and thankfully we have a crib tent that keeps him there for the full 2 hours I require.
Ethan has recently fallen in love with the Captain Underpants series. I know, great literature, but it's at least a start to a love of reading. We'll get him hooked on better novels when he's a little faster and more fluent.
And Isaac is pretty good at playing quietly in his room by himself. Excuse the mess, we've literally torn almost every room in our house apart to repaint/carpet/repurpose it. Here's the pile of all the picture frames waiting to be rehung and Miles' crib waiting to be assembled in the boys room.

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