Unfortunately for him- I do! I like them. I think they're convenient and easy and every 1 year old should have some. Even the ones with older brothers who watch the big boys pee in the toilet and wear fun cartoon underwear. So Miles and I have a philosophical disagreement going.
Taylor keeps saying I should just potty train him, but I've watched too many friends who've potty trained early and then had to deal with frequent accidents. And while Ethan and Isaac weren't out of diapers until around age 3, they honestly NEVER had accidents. NEVER. Still haven't. And I like that. So I don't really want to take the chance with Miles. We'll just wait another year.
That's my plan.
But apparently not his.
Miles has figured out he can remove his own diaper. (you're only getting pictures since he's in a church shirt which conveniently covers his little bum and cause this happens enough times that I finally got around to grabbing the camera)
And is even conscientious enough to put it in the trash can by himself.
Which I applaud.
But still disagree with the basic premise of removing the diaper to begin with.
So he might get potty trained after all.
Not that I'm happy about it. Really? Should I let the 1 year old win this one?
Do you remember how little Ellie was when she potty trained? It was her decision, and so it went great. She got out of pull ups quickly and did great. No night time accidents. A few day time, but I was glad to have her out of diapers. I say if he is ready and wants to, go for it. Ellie was fully potty trained by 2.
p.s. I am happy to see updates!
Here is my two cents. I hate potty training. I do pull ups until they are fully trained. And I don't even think about it until at least 2 and a half. That being said you could try it for a week, if he is really interested, if not you could just put him in pull ups, maybe he'll keep those on :)
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