Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The end of Soccer (for the fall at least)

With the end of October, came the end of Ethan's fall soccer league as well. We have LOVED being a part of this group. 7 of the 8 players go to his same kindergarten, 5 in the same exact class so I get to see their mom's every day and it's been great to make friends.

This last game turned out to be the perfect last game for them. They have 2 kids on the team who are really good and do most of the scoring. Ethan scored once on during the 3rd game but then nothing after that. This final game, all but 1 of the kids scored goals including Ethan. And most of them were miracle goals so it was just funny to watch them all score and be so excited for each other. They truly have become a team over these 2 months and it's fun to see that they're good friends just like the parents are.
I tried to get all their lasts- huddle, game, cheer, etc.
And of course the obligatory dogpile afterwards since 5 year olds can't simply give 5 and say goodbye, they must jump and tackle and tickle.
So here they all are L to R: Joseph, Sarah, Jonah, Clait, Kari (their amazingly sweet and dedicated coach- she's 7 months pregnant with her 4th and her husband's in med school resident so I saw him at games maybe twice and never at practices. What a good mom!) Bottom: Sam, William, Ethan, and Thomas.

Tragically we didn't capture any of Ethan's goals, but here's some of the game anyways.

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