As we were ordering at dinner Ethan informed me that he needed to use the bathroom so I took him and left Miles and Isaac at the table with everyone else. As we were coming back we passed Arty and Isaac. Arty said "Isaac needs to go to the bathroom. Can I take him?" Can you take him? Would you like to take them all??? I sure don't mind especially without Taylor here. So we went back to the table and settled in. A good while later Arty comes back with Isaac who has a wet shirt. Now this isn't that surprising since Isaac is mostly potty trained but has on occasion somehow managed to fall in the toilet while he is peeing. Yep, did that while my visiting teacher was watching him back in November. I try not to laugh. Okay I don't even try, I just laugh at him. So I wasn't that alarmed that his shirt was wet- until Arty told me he had thrown up- A LOT and some of it got on his t-shirt and so he'd had to wash it off. WHAT? Seriously? You're THAT GOOD of an uncle. You voluntarily took a child to the bathroom- who told you he needed to throw up (apparently I missed that part of the dialogue as we were passing in the hall) and you took him back, helped him do his nasty deed, and then cleaned the poor kid up. Okay, we officially love you and adopt you as the favorite uncle (okay maybe Mack ties since Ethan smeared pigeon poo on his shirt). No more "the other Uncle Mack" for you sir. We'll make sure they know your name now!
Of course after throwing up Isaac was feeling fine and actually WANTED to eat his dinner (this is rare for him) and since he hadn't acted at all weird beforehand I decided to stay. He ate a plateful of buttered noodles and lots of bread and we had a great meal as a family. Then the others went off to the movie and fireworks and I took the boys home thinking maybe it was just a fluke and he wasn't really sick. Of course just as we pulled in the parking garage Isaac said "I'm sick" and started to throw up. No warning. Just, yep.
So I spent New Years cleaning up the nasty and listening to Taylor be sad in his hotel in Atlanta. And then woke up New Years Day feeling really nasty myself. The kids watched non-stop Star Wars cartoons while I barely survived on the couch. When Taylor arrived he informed me the other condo was faring no better than us. In total only Taylor, Mack, and Sam escaped the flu bug. Lovely New Years Day. I don't even remember what we did that night but we were together and after a quick family picture and one last meal at Waffle House we were off.