Wednesday, November 11, 2009


In naming Miles, I tried to pick a name that would easily lend itself to a decent nickname. Milo was my hope but it doesn't seem to be sticking. Maybe later it will. Tragically for our boys, we seem to settle on rather bad nicknames that last a long time. Ethan is still Boozer a lot and Isaac still gets called Squeaker sometimes. Miles it seems is following in the same pattern.
Anyone seen the movie Bedtime Stories? You'll understand if you have. For whatever reason, Miles seems to always have VERY wide open eyes. Not just in bright light- almost always. It's become nearly impossible for us to get pictures of him without his eyes looking crazy. I took 6 of the above picture before getting a decent one.
And I took 4 of him like this last night without getting a single one with normal eyes. They're not abnormally BIG eyes for a baby, just abnormally wide open all the time. So Taylor had started calling him Bugsy. Let's hope it doesn't stick!


Janelle said...

Ha! I love it! Elliot was like that too. I could always see the whites all the way around.

Kristina said...

The real reason his eyes are open so big is because he's watching you. But don't worry, I'm sure his eyes are just wired back to all your other potential children and they are at this moment watching you and deciding if yes, they still want to come down (and they're all girls, did I mention that?)