It was beautiful climbing down looking out at the water and in at the little tide pools and then all the sudden a pirate ship appeared and sailed past us. Totally bizarre but Ethan loved it.
The whole gang (minus the late arrivals) L to R Ethan, Taylor (Isaac on back), Barb, Arty, Jeff
After we climbed up from the cliffs, we walked farther down and discovered this amazing little playground right on the water. That's my idea of a relaxing playgroup- swings, slide, merry-go-gound, fenced in, ocean breeze, sun beating down on me, ahhh!
After Carvoeiro we drove over to explore a little town called Lagos. (Ethan and Arty both suffering from jet-lag). The city was entirely made up of these tiny "walking" streets which were loads of fun to drive through with our 10 passenger van. As Taylor would say- they lose a lot of their charm when you're the one driving. Very entertaining to be a passenger though.
Everything is beautiful cobblestone as you can see and then most of the buildings are also stone with tiles all over them. I'll include close-ups on some later post but truly impressive. We had dinner there and were grateful to find that everyone spoke English (it's kind of the Florida of England, everyone comes in the summer to go to the beaches there).
Huh...when i meet my parents half-way it's in St. George. Lucky you.
This looks wonderful! What a unique and adventurous way to spend the holidays!
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