Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Dragon-Dinosaur and a Duck

I have to admit I can't resist the urge to dress my children up at Halloween. Honestly I think they're the cutest pictures from the whole year! Taylor's mom has been hinting that she wanted pictures of the kids in their costumes all month so I finally got around to taking them outside to let them play in the beautiful fall leaves while I snapped a few shots.
When I was pregnant with Ethan (and we thought he was a girl) my mom found this costume on clearance and sent it to us thinking he'd wear it the next year. I thought it was absolutely adorable but when Ethan turned out to be a boy, Taylor banned the costume as un-manly (a few people did actually call Isaac a girl on Halloween so I guess he was right). Anyways, I conceeded with Ethan, but just couldn't resist with Isaac. Taylor didn't put up any fight this time so here he is, an adorable little duck. Too bad he can't say quack yet.
This has been the year of the dinosaur for Ethan so of course that's what he had to be for Halloween. I looked for months to find a strictly dinosaur costume (no wings) but they literally don't make them. All dinosaurs are also "dragons" and vice versa. I guess they assume the kids won't know the difference or else won't care. But you'd be wrong! When I brought the costume home for him to try on, he announced that it wasn't a dinosaur because it had wings. So I told him it was a dragon-dinosaur. He accepted that explanation and every time someone asked him what he was, he proudly declared "I'm a dragon-dinosaur" and roared in their face! They all gave him funny looks and laughed a bit but he's right- he was both.
I realized in taking these pictures that since we don't have a backyard I've never really taken either of them out to play in the leaves. This was truly a novel experience for both of them and they loved it. I've never heard Isaac laugh so hard and it was hard to drag Ethan away from rolling, kicking, and tossing leaves in the air.


Nikki said...

how cute. I do not think a duck is feminine. I belive my boys wore a pair of duck pants that had duck feet attatched to them when they were babies.

Jacqueline Auna and family said...

Those are amazing pictures! Of course your boys are beautiful, so they make excellent subjects!