Gratefully I have a husband who understands this and encourages me to break free of the routine and monotony (even at the expense of him missing a treasured golf outing of his own). So a few weeks ago a friend and I took 2 days off. We called it a "mommy time out". We drove up to Philadelphia and spent the afternoon visiting the liberty bell, Benjamin Franklin's home (the foundation stones are amazing), Betsy Ross' home (I didn't realize that she was in so much danger making the flag since there were so many British troops in the town and she easily could have been put in jail had they found out), tasting Philly cheese steaks, and shopping at Market Street. It was a wonderful break and so relaxing. (Taylor gratiously watched not only Ethan and Isaac but also Catherine's daughter Kennedy so we could go- a million thanks to my wonderful husband!!!).
I'll just share one thought that was particularly meaningful to me and hopefully it can inspire you other mothers out there. One of the presenters quoted Mathew 25:35-40 but changed it a little and hopefully you won't find it too sacriligous.
35 For I was an hungered, and ye got up 3 times in the middle of the night to nurse me: I was thirsty, and ye filled my sippy cup 15 times today: I was a stranger, and ye adopted me into your family.
36 Naked, and ye did 10 loads of laundry today: I was sick, and you stayed with me through the night: I was in prison, and you gave birth to me so that I could have a body and learn and love this life.
37 Then shall the mothers answer Him saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungered, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink?
40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these your children, ye have done it unto me.
I have to admit that I often feel I should be doing more to serve the community and others around me and I don't always see the daily tasks required of raising my children as serving the Lord in any way, but I'm trying to more often now. I'm also trying to notice the sweet and simple moments more. Yesterday I gave Ethan the last of the sugar cookies we had baked and told him there weren't any more. Instead of running off and gobbling it all up, he stopped by Isaac sitting in his high chair, broke off a little piece, and said "here you go Isaac". I could chalk that up to Ethan being a quirky boy who doesn't really like sugar that much so it wasn't that big of a sacrifice for him, or I could count it as one of my cherished memories of him as a sweet, loving 3 year old boy. I'll choose to do the latter.
Hurray for mommy time! sounds like you had a fun time. Oh and i loved the interpretation of the verses in Matthew.
That almost made me cry. I'm so glad you and Catherine got a break. Next time you two need one, my house and Magnolia cupcakes are always available...
This was a beautiful & touching post, Sarah! I'm so glad that you had such a wonderful trip and thank you for sharing what inspired and lifted you!! That was really sweet about Ethan sharing with Issac!
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