Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Half-way to Chicago

Because Isaac was born at Christmas, we didn't get to travel and see our families much. So for Spring Break we decided we'd visit my parents in Chicago and since Ethan's now 2 and we didn't want to pay for 3 plane tickets, we decided to drive. And miraculously, my older brother Dave lives in Cleveland which is exactly halfway between DC and Chicago and 6 1/2 hours is just about the perfect amount of driving for a day (at least with a 2 year old and a 3 month old). So we stopped at their house both coming and going and had the best time. Ethan loved having 3 older boy cousins to run around with (he especially loved the pillow fights)

and Claire seemed very interested in Baby Isaac. We only wish we lived closer! We're trying to convince them that the legal market in Ogallala, Nebraska is booming so we'll have a halfway stop between Salt Lake and Chicago when we graduate. Thanks Dave and Nikki! We love your family!


Nikki said...

We had fun seeing you all too!!! We wish we lived closer too!

Jacqueline Auna and family said...

What a great action shot of Ethan!! : ) Nothing compares to being with family.