Sunday, January 20, 2008

Picture of the Day

So I was doing dishes last night and cleaning up around the house while Taylor sat on the couch watching TV trying to put Isaac to sleep. This was a fine arrangement in my book until Taylor called to me and asked me to change the channel for him. (the clicker was sitting right next to him) I have to admit I rolled my eyes at this and had some derogatory thoughts about Taylor's helpfulness until I came around the corner and saw WHY he couldn't use the TV remote to change his own channel.


Jacqueline Auna and family said...

hee hee! So funny and sweet...

Lindsay said...

That is sooo cute! When are we going to see you guys again? I'm afraid to ask you to come over. I know how challenging it can be just to get out the door with a 2 year-old and a newborn. But please, just let me know, we'd love to have you to dinner or something!!

Kelli and Dana said...

That's really funny. I would have rolled my eyes at Dana too:)